Virtual Leadership in Alligator Country
I was lucky enough to be invited to Orlando, Florida, to teach a group of people about Virtual Leadership in November 2017. It was at the Building Business Capability conference for business analysts and there were people from all over the world.
First of all, I asked the group what they were hoping for from my session:
Most of the hopes were really positive: wanting new ideas and tips, ways to work more effectively with others, techniques for engaging remote team members, ways to work cross-culturally, tips for keeping the energy up and how to make online meetings rock!
Then I asked the group what their fears were for the morning:
There were very few fears. One person was worried that they might have to dance in front of everyone, which of course wasn’t going to happen. There was one fear that is down to the participants: ‘Not implementing what I learned afterwards’. We worked through these and then moved on to agreeing how we would work together as a group:
We spent some time exploring people’s challenges with virtual working and virtual leadership:
Later in the session, we ran a virtual working simulation. Table groups needed to ‘create a square’ without the use of their eyes. What do you think of their results? Answers in the comments below:
Here’s the leadership model from my book which I shared on the day:
In case you are wondering about the title of this post, here is the beautiful scene that warned me about alligators:
If you attended BBCCon, you can see all of the slides online. If not, why not come next year at San Antonia, USA? Or attend one of my webinars instead? Sign up for my updates to hear more…
For those of us who participate in the workshop, can we please get copies of the slides?
Hi Janine, They are available through the conference website. Let me know if you have problems accessing these. Penny