+44 (0)1509 821691 [email protected]

Making Workshops Work Resources

Thank you so much for buying my book! This is the area where I place useful resources for anyone interested in making workshops work. I will let you know when new resources are added as it is still a work in progress.

Contact me:
Please e-mail me if you have any questions. I’m also available on Twitter, [email protected] and on +44 (0)1509 821691.


Answering questions on ‘Making Workshops Work’ from around the world

On the book launch day in July 2021, I presented at my Virtual Summit, answering questions from people all around the world on the topic of ‘Making Workshops Work’. Here you can ‘meet me. Perhaps the answers might be useful for you? Of course, you can go into more depth in the book chapters themselves. I’ve started the video partway through, skipping the introduction to the event.

Articles written by Penny on ‘Making Workshops Work’

CEO Today, Making Workshops Work, July 2021

Making Workshops Work

Is there anything more important nowadays than collaborating effectively with our colleagues to produce great work? This is crucial from the board down, to drive innovation and change, and to deliver lasting results.

IT NOW magazine for bcs, The Chartered Institute for IT, 21 June 2021

How to make workshops work, despite complications

Workshops are a great way to collaborate with others, or at least they can be when things run smoothly, writes Penny Pullan

For more from Penny, have a look at her articles, videos and podcasts.

You can also find Penny’s other books here.

For graphics to support your creative collaboration, have a look at Penny’s site here.

+44 (0) 1509 821691

© 2020 Penny Pullan & Making Projects Work

Ludlow House, 1 Cumberland Road,

Loughborough, LE11 5DE, UK.


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