Outstanding Outsiders gives Mercy confidence and competence.
Mercy had been a business analyst contractor for a while. She loved analysis and wanted to progress, without moving on to project/programme management. She wasn’t sure what to do next. Then someone suggested that she should join Penny Pullan’s ‘Outstanding Outsiders’ programme. Find out how it changed things for her …
Mentoring gives Carla (Business Manager) both Confidence and Success
Carla Mulvaney was a Business Manager at the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement. When an important project came her way, she knew she needed to develop her skills as a project leader, but how?
Mentoring enables Patricia (BA Contractor) to boost her career and surprise herself
Patricia, a very experienced and capable business analysis contractor, was looking to boost her career and confidence. When working with Penny, she found lots of support but also some surprises in store…
Sam Changes Culture with Sketch Notes
Sam Moore works on digital projects in Sales and Marketing for Carlsberg in the UK. She says, “There is a real focus on culture change and innovation here. At the start of this year, I noticed how much we relied on ‘death by PowerPoint’ for presentations and thought we really needed a new way to embrace this culture change and deliver something different. Our presentations had to convey technical information as well as lighter content. We wanted to create impact, plus make the content easy to understand. Something needed to change! I did try adding clip art to my presentations but they didn’t look great. So I was on the lookout for something to help…”
Developing Project Management Capability in an International Relief Organisation
A non-profit’s mission is to provide support and emergency relief and development assistance to suffering people around the world. Over the last few years, there had been a tremendous amount of change within the organisation. Tensions had built up between departments around their approach to projects and how to make them work.
Starting to Build Facilitation Skills with Business Analysts from a major UK Company
The internal IT department of a major UK company has a large team of business analysts. Getting the most out of meetings is a key part of their role, which includes gathering requirements and developing business cases for change. We gathered the analysts’ views of their own meetings. These included:
unresolved issues,
the need to repeat meetings to gather missed data,
unclear objectives,
actions often not completed, and not followed up.
Dave Draws Out the Strategy
Dave was working as a business analyst in the public sector in the UK, when he realized that something was missing. He was running lots of workshops, using all his business analysis tools and techniques, but still things weren’t quite right. It seemed as if writing down words didn’t really fit with what people needed.
+44 (0) 1509 821691
© 2020 Penny Pullan & Making Projects Work
Ludlow House, 1 Cumberland Road,
Loughborough, LE11 5DE, UK.