+44 (0)1509 821691 [email protected]
This year, I submitted three possible ideas for talks to the BA2010 organising committee. One of them was very different from anything I’d seen at last year’s conference and, guess what, that was the one they picked for me to present!

The title was ‘Bringing Creativity, Clarity and Engagement to your Business Analysis work’. I tried to do this while presenting the topic through lots of visuals, live drawing, interaction and organic chocolate bars. Yes really! Word got around that I was providing chocolate bars and many more people attended than we’d expected.

You can see the outputs here.
You can listen to the accompanying talk here.

ba2010 004c.jpg

What did people think? (Taken from Twitter.com)

Great session by @PennyPullan creative, engaging and clear #BA2010 @DavidAvisBA

Penny, great session today and a pleasure to meet you. Looking forward to talking again soon. @anthonymadigan

Which way round do you naturally draw a circle? @PennyPullan’s session has us drawing our way out of boring workshops @davereinhardt
Chocolate has pulled in the punters for @PennyPullan’s session, wall full of posters and no PowerPoint, I’m very optimistic @davereinhardt

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